Below are a few recently completed residential projects.
Interior renovation of a full floor 4,200 sq condominium.
5 unit multifamily home renovation.
2,000 sf single family home remodel.
2,500 sf single family home remodel.
20 unit conversion from multifamily home to hotel.
900 sf condo renovation.
Below are a few of our recently completed commercial projects.
Renovation of two commercial retail centers consisting of a 23,000 sf building and a 9,600 sq building.
Renovation and conversion of a dilapidated warehouse into a multi bay flex space. Total square footage is 13,700 sf.
Waterproofing and renovation of a 43,000 square foot warehouse. Improvements included 25 tons of air condition, electrical upgrades, waterproofing and painting the exterior and interior.
Conversion of a structurally unsafe church into a freestanding office headquarters for a family investment office.
Retail build out in the heart of Wynwood approximately 1,500 sf.
Renovation of a 5,000 sf restaurant and bar consisting of two adjacent buildings.
Site work including installation of draining, pavement and addition of turning lane.
References available upon request.